Monday, September 1, 2008

spring is here

Yeap. Spring is here and do i have a spring in my step ..............

Ok i should say yes but i have also say no cos if i bounce at the moment my back will say ouch ouch. Mucsle spasms is hurty hurt hurty hurts hurts.

With me life has been just moving along one day at a time. It seems at the moment all i do is work and work and then there is no time for me to play sob sob sob.....

I havent even to manage to talk to any of my friends its seems that i have vanished from this planet only in my free time haha do i manage to read all your blogs. I havent even been to any of my favourite cross stitch sites... :( .

OK i know you are all wondering what else has been happening.

MUM drum roll please..........

we will celebrate her yes 60th Birthday tomorrow. we had a Lunch time party for yesterday and she is looking great. Yes she has finished with radiation. I was told today after her appointment that she has been cleared from both chemo and radiation therapy. All she now has to do is see the specialist every couple of month for the next 3 to 5 yrs..... So it looks at this stage that she is through the hard part now its waiting to be cleared after 5yrs.

Now with Dave...... yes i hear the eyes rolling. Ok on the day Anna was leaving we had to see a specialist about his hands. Yes the specialist stated the work has caused the problems but dave's diabetes hasnt help. The hearing was today............................ :( IT STILL going on and on and on and on ok you get the hint. They have taken our specialist view over the work cover specialist view but (yes there is a but to all this) they want more information about the hole we dug for dave's party and yes appartly we dug the pool into the ground and hmmmmmmmmmmmm if i get the photos open from the the external harddrive i can show you the pool sits on the ground and not in the ground cos we knew that we couldnt do it ourselve we would have had to get in a bobcat to move the soil and we couldnt afford that at the time. And the best option and it was cheaper was to get soil brought in. and Dale and I move it.

so thats about it for the moment


Running on Empty said...

Thanks for the update Karen. I really hope they stop messing around so much with Dave and make the right decision soon.

Julie said...

Nice to hear from your Karen ... great news about mum, Happy Birthday to her too. Sorry the Dave saga is still continuing and you're having to work so hard.

Anna said...

you really should set a time for us to meet up online......I might have info to help you. I definitely have pics that you sent me.

Karen said...

good news about mum. sorry the stuff with Dave is still going on. I have just got a new yahoo account if you still use yahoo, like you work is crap and way too much of it and not enough time to play online or stitch