Tuesday, April 29, 2008

money, money, money its a beggars world LOL :) (like the new words to an old song).

Yep back to work. It was nice to get any amount of money even if its the small amount i got yesterday at least we have an income coming into the household after two weeks semester break. Time to get saving.

Off to work i go :)

Friday, April 25, 2008

Just a short note today

Today we are remembering the fallen war heroes from WW1. ANZAC Day here in Australia. May those brave men and women be remembered for their heroism and their sacrifice to make our lives what they are today.

Rest In Peace.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Just a short note in regards to Dave's medical for Stratco........... :( there is your answer. Not good...............

It now looks like i will be the main income earner until this case is all settled. The lawyer did mention something about payout......... we didnt want to go down that path and if the lawyer can get it and it all happens well so be it. At the moment Dave is unable to work at all not even in light work cos the way the surgeon has written the letter. No one wants to employ him cos the way the letter is written... Everyone states go look for work and how can he when the other medico's wont clear him. This seems for us to go no where. Look on the bright side i will be working full time.......
Happy Dance

I have almost finished Part 1 and 2 on Pal SAL. I can say i didnt kick Mr Frog hard enough last time cos he was still here last night i had to Rip IT several times so i hope this time I gave it one good hard boot and it went flying out the door. I am hoping its somewhere else.

Some good news:
Dave is having a medical for Stratco they say they will have him back. Fingers it all goes well today. I will post later with anything i know.

Other news we received our letter in the mail yesterday about contesting the decision i think Geoff now knows the decision in what we are doing :).

Monday, April 21, 2008

Just some happy chatter today

I have finished my semester assignments the other day. It felt like a let down after the two that a did before this one. I will know in the coming weeks how i went.

I have been working on the Pal Sal how does your garden grow. Mr Frog decided to visit yesterday and he got a good kick in the backside so he flew out the door. Sorry i cant say what direction he went but i hope the wind doesnt blow him right back at me. I have had so much time at the moment i dont know what to do with myself.

Well i am off to stitch in the sun. I will need to enjoy it while it last.

Friday, April 18, 2008

I"ve been stitiching

Yes shock! horror! gasp.............

Yes this evening i have been stitching on the papilon As i have been working both one and two together i have now finished the left side the top and currently working my way down to the right side bottom. Yes yes i know i still have to do part three and now part four but at least now i am a step closer. :) I even managed the beads as well. another shock............ I might get around and post the completed section soon. Before i start part three.

Lots been happening


well found out that mum will start chemo on the May 1st and she will have three different cocktails one of them is the strongest one. Then every three weeks for 15 weeks. I think its startting to worry her now...... I told her before but would she listen no......... i saw my MIL go through it. so i dont know if its any better the second time around.

The bossy bitch she is HAS stated if i want her to come around my house has to be spotless....HAHAHAHAHA my house spotless. With what i have here that will be a bloody miracle and that miracle wont be happening any time soon, so i would say i wouldnt see her here. I cant understand why she gone this way but thats my mum for you.

Ok i am currently at the business end of my uni of the semester writing all those papers. argh last one i hope to write for this semester by this weekend.

Now with Dave we had the result in and its now going through the courts. cos the person made the recommendation on NO Doctors report. so its now going to court. On the bright side it loks like is old job at Stratco is on offer. Dave has to just pass a medical on Monday and then its talking turkey with the old boss. I have everything cross for this to work. Dave didnt take the result to well at all. His current employer isnt happy with me cos i took the calll and told him that we are talking about what he is doing and boss wasnt happy. I didnt want to reveal our hand until we have too its now been 3 days since that call. Cos even though its been over 14weeks his boss cant sack Dave until the medical certificate changes(wording) so we will play that at the moment...... Until he knows about Stratco. I know this is underhanded but hay..... Dave has been honest with his boss and the results make Dave as a lier. Oh by the way people dont work around the home just in case you might hurt yourself. Dave's injury is due to repetition and what he supposedly did at home did it. Dave's Birthday we had a oven dug in the ground a hungee(?) but the Kids did it over several nights for Dave something that they could do for the party. It wasnt that deep due to the soil here. the kids only got a spade deep and that was that. DAve just tidied up the corners and thats all. His boss believes Dave put the pool up WELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL he got to be F********** KIDDING cos it was my father and myself that bloody did that in 40 plus degree heat over several days cos dear old DAVE was at work.

Also the report stated that there was NO other report prior to his accident in January well thats a F****** LOAD of BS cos we have and his boss knows that Dave had to have time off work for physio..(?) Even if it was at the end of the work day Dave had few mins off to make the appointment. So as you can see there is a court case happening..... even the lawyer was pissed so she is going to fight for us. Cos what we were arguing for was that his current job has increase the known bilateral carpal tunnel cos there was evidence of it been there 14yrs ago and it there hasnt been any reports until this job. Dave could have gone another 14yrs without any problems. So roll on court hearing. the gloves will be out and we will be fighting.

Well i saved the best news to last....... I am stitching again. Working on several pieces at the moment. The papilon is so slow. I am doing the specialty stitches i am wondering if its cos i am doing those stitches. I am working both part one and two together i still have to do part three and today i see that part four is out........ OH boy i better get my arse into gear quickly. maybe i will stitch more.

Also as a way for me to relax i am walking the dogs for short walks. They are bloody idiots. Rosie want to get all the children and round them up so she can control them. and jack wants to go his way and pulls both Rosie and me. He has some strength there. I am hoping the collars that i will be recieving will do the trick. I been told that they work. Here to those collars.

Ok this is long enough.
till next time happy stitiching

Monday, April 14, 2008

I know this is late

HAPPY BIRTHDAY son for the 11th April......
not long now and he will driving oh boy thats scary. One year to go and he will have his license......... everyone get off the road.

Friday, April 11, 2008

happy dance happy dance wahooo

Ok i have some great news well its only a little great new but its my news...........

I got a Distinction(?) for my university webquest assignment and no one higher that a D so i am cloud nine cos i have only received a D or a HD in group work but not on my own wahooooooooo happy dance and i did ask the tutor about taking off my assignment from the web you want to know what he said.......... drum roll please...........

To leave it there as there is no contemporary issues regards desalination on the web with aspects to Australia. So guess how that made me feel :) really really happy.

The good news still comes.... the SA Union lawyers have taken on Dave's case with Workcover first hearing this coming Wednesday. At least we now have someone looking out for us and that there is a case.

And the news still keeps on coming i had a call from my mum yesterday she doesnt have to see the specialist until Oct she only has to worry about the chemo now and hoping its will be still great news there... Know more Monday what type of chemo she will be having.

I got an extension on my next assignment so that helps heaps with me at the moment. I still have that hacking cough and now no voices students just love me. :) The next two weeks i dont have many students as it is school holidays here we cant do much however i can be resting for the return next term.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Going for free

Ok going for free one hacking cough, sore throat, no voice and one thumping headache........... any takers. I am just trying to stay sane at the moment. The counseling session welllllllllllllllllllll that was just let me think.............. i dont LIKE the path she wanted me to go down. she believes that i need to get rid of one of my stresses and yes that stress is a member of my family like one who lives here NOW that isnt a path i am looking at so guess who aint going back. Tomorrow we find out if the SA Union lawyers will pick Dave's case ready for hearing on the 16th. Dave attended work with the work rehab. ladies and they were quite shocked as the type of manual lifting they asked about the trays the lift which would mean new utes currently they all have vans or about ramps to be used in the vans but will cause other problems. I hate to be Dave's boss at the moment.

I havent done any more stitching cos of this head cold. I need to get done the papilon how does your garden grow i am still stitching part 2. With that i found my correct thread for that and i am still having problems threading that Damned needle so at the moment i will leave the beading til later. We have the JA challenge up all i can say is :( i might just give up voting and go with the flow out of the last four month not one of my votes were the one that was decide to be used sob sob..... maybe next time..... but hay thats how my life been for the last four months nothing going to plan.

i have many of my students who qualify for the RAV now Evenstart are asking for me to sign up for it and they asking when can they start......... bloody hell i cant even sign up yet.... i think it will all happen over the term break. Well i better head back to the books and write this assignment thats due Friday opppps i need to get extension.
til next time enjoy stitching

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Some stitching

Wahoo i did some stitching last night only be it was 3 specialty stitches on the How does your garden grow..... I need help with threading the beading needle any takers i just couldnt do it last night. Coulnt get it in the hole..... Keep it clean ladies. :) LOL