Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Mum is home

Wahoo she is home..... I got a call and she so excited that she going home..... OK she now has a huge list of new drugs the last lot didnt do her any good. I still dont know what's going to happen with the next lot of chemo yet but will find out.
not much been happening except that i have been busy with work... yep its now normal for me. no cross stitching done this week yet. i will include to photos of the girls from the weekend as now i am on the main desktop. I am off to walk the dogs.


Karen said...

that cake looks yummy, super photos, LOL I still can't work out when you are online today it says its the xbox, I'm off now to get on with bits here as I am working later
Hope you had a good walk

Julie said...

Lovely pics, nice cake!

So nice to read mum is going home, hope she takes it easy