Sunday, May 18, 2008

End of week tidbits....

Ok this week was well lets see via the post.

1st thing to mention is my mum i saw my parents yesterday and today. and oh boy my mum now has no hair what so ever and dad informed me about what exactly happened last weekend with my mum and it now makes me even more weary about this next dose. Apart from her kidneys shutting down she also went into cardiac arrest. Apparently flat lined it. thank someone that she got though it. How my dad taking it all i know he is now older than 60yrs.

2nd thing this week is i dont know if I talked about Dave's issue about workcover they have now decided to do a review minus the doctors report again they are the ones who set the specialist appointment and it wont be in time for the review there is a month difference......... eyes rolling here. I think the right hand doesnt know what the left hand is doing.... that is govn departments for u.

3rd issue.. Apparently it was a nail biter with Melissa soccer(football for those UK people) yes they won 5:4 it came down to the last 60 seconds. they were wet through due to a very heavy rain downpour at the beginning of the match....

4th thing this week is Cecilia had her party and a total of 7 screaming girls arghhhhhhhhhhh
by the end everyone enjoyed themselves and all left high on sugar. hehehehehehe

5th and the most important news of the week my SIL has announced the date of when she is getting married yep its finally happening it wont be until next September but its been the best news yet.

last but not least drum roll please..............
i got out my cross stitching and yes i can see the end its getting closer. its a UFO piece i have been working on the Australian Map... can i ask a question with the papilon SAL now as that is on part 5 and i am working on part 2 is that now called a UFO hehehehehehe

so overall i think the week hasnt been to bad. :)


Karen said...

I hope things go well for mum during the next dose.
thats great M's team won
ughhhhh 7 screaming girls high on sugar how on earth did you survive????

Julie said...

Hope things improve for mum

Niceto hear you have had some stitching time in your busy week.
PAP is not a UFO, its a WIP (in my opinion) it's still ongoing, not a stuff it away and forget all about it piece LOL