Sunday, May 11, 2008

a hard weekend

This weekend has been a very hard weekend for me. With me my mum this got a lot worse before she seems to hopefully be on the mend. I found out that over night thursday her kidneys were shutting down with the quick action of the nurses and doctors they got her over it. They found out what has caused toxic shock syndrome it was the double dose of the red chemo.. at the moment the 2 doctors are arguing over the next double dose that she has to have Should she or shouldnt she have the dose. They may keep her in during the next course to monitor her.

Its been Cecilia's birthday on Saturday a teenager now. Photo's will come and with Melissa's soccer this weekend her team scored 8:0 yes a win for them. Photos will come too.

And to all those mum's happy mother's day.


Karen said...

hopefully the next dose will not have the same effects on your mum

Happy Birthday Cecilia

Julie said...

Pleased they managed to sort mum out, how worrying for you all

Happy Birthday!