Thursday, June 26, 2008

update on whats been happening in the world of Karen

There has been some up and downs in this house.

Yes i survived the 60 hour week just! Saturday evening it was just Dave and I we went and had Chinese for Dinner and in the end we ask for the meal to packed up for take away cos i was so tired.
It always happen it seems that when you get extra money the following week students cant come in to be tutored. so it looks like it all balanced out again. oh well.

In the department of my mum she has had her third chemo at a much lower dose......... she stayed out of hospital this time however she seems to have a cold with it so fingers cross she gets better soon.

With Dave well he has hit depression and i have now asked him to speak to a counselor to help him out........ It because he cant work and we still fighting workcover it doesnt help when you get letters to pay bills that they should be covering........ what do they think we are made of money arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Also we had to race Rosie(dog) to the vets yesterday we think she had a big ft because she has now torn her ligaments in her right hind leg. Up until yesterday she was only having minor ones but i think that all changed. Yesterday poor girl she was really out of it. I am surprise no one her her yelping from here. Over night she slept inside in the computer room and never came into the main part of the house...... i am probably please cos she really stinks..... :) I beleive she will be on these tablets for the rest of her life..... noooooooooo sob sob.

On another note i have one week of work to go but in that Anna arrives from America so it will be nice to at least talk to her live instead of on the computer. Hopefully she will enjoy staying here with the mad house thats happens to be my life.

No stitching at the moment...... to tired to do anything.


Anna said...

your life is a mad house? NO!!! LOL
It will be a nice break from the insanity here.

Running on Empty said...

Karen, we all have our madhouses. I think it comes with the territory.

Julie said...

Poor you- 60 hours OMG!!! hope your litle doggy is doing better and mum recovers well from the cold, good idea for dave to see the counsellor

Enjoy your time with your friend.