Friday, April 18, 2008

Lots been happening


well found out that mum will start chemo on the May 1st and she will have three different cocktails one of them is the strongest one. Then every three weeks for 15 weeks. I think its startting to worry her now...... I told her before but would she listen no......... i saw my MIL go through it. so i dont know if its any better the second time around.

The bossy bitch she is HAS stated if i want her to come around my house has to be spotless....HAHAHAHAHA my house spotless. With what i have here that will be a bloody miracle and that miracle wont be happening any time soon, so i would say i wouldnt see her here. I cant understand why she gone this way but thats my mum for you.

Ok i am currently at the business end of my uni of the semester writing all those papers. argh last one i hope to write for this semester by this weekend.

Now with Dave we had the result in and its now going through the courts. cos the person made the recommendation on NO Doctors report. so its now going to court. On the bright side it loks like is old job at Stratco is on offer. Dave has to just pass a medical on Monday and then its talking turkey with the old boss. I have everything cross for this to work. Dave didnt take the result to well at all. His current employer isnt happy with me cos i took the calll and told him that we are talking about what he is doing and boss wasnt happy. I didnt want to reveal our hand until we have too its now been 3 days since that call. Cos even though its been over 14weeks his boss cant sack Dave until the medical certificate changes(wording) so we will play that at the moment...... Until he knows about Stratco. I know this is underhanded but hay..... Dave has been honest with his boss and the results make Dave as a lier. Oh by the way people dont work around the home just in case you might hurt yourself. Dave's injury is due to repetition and what he supposedly did at home did it. Dave's Birthday we had a oven dug in the ground a hungee(?) but the Kids did it over several nights for Dave something that they could do for the party. It wasnt that deep due to the soil here. the kids only got a spade deep and that was that. DAve just tidied up the corners and thats all. His boss believes Dave put the pool up WELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL he got to be F********** KIDDING cos it was my father and myself that bloody did that in 40 plus degree heat over several days cos dear old DAVE was at work.

Also the report stated that there was NO other report prior to his accident in January well thats a F****** LOAD of BS cos we have and his boss knows that Dave had to have time off work for physio..(?) Even if it was at the end of the work day Dave had few mins off to make the appointment. So as you can see there is a court case happening..... even the lawyer was pissed so she is going to fight for us. Cos what we were arguing for was that his current job has increase the known bilateral carpal tunnel cos there was evidence of it been there 14yrs ago and it there hasnt been any reports until this job. Dave could have gone another 14yrs without any problems. So roll on court hearing. the gloves will be out and we will be fighting.

Well i saved the best news to last....... I am stitching again. Working on several pieces at the moment. The papilon is so slow. I am doing the specialty stitches i am wondering if its cos i am doing those stitches. I am working both part one and two together i still have to do part three and today i see that part four is out........ OH boy i better get my arse into gear quickly. maybe i will stitch more.

Also as a way for me to relax i am walking the dogs for short walks. They are bloody idiots. Rosie want to get all the children and round them up so she can control them. and jack wants to go his way and pulls both Rosie and me. He has some strength there. I am hoping the collars that i will be recieving will do the trick. I been told that they work. Here to those collars.

Ok this is long enough.
till next time happy stitiching


Karen said...

hope your mums treatment goes well, Candy likes to round everyone up if we go out in a group she is quite funny about it . Hope the stitching is coming along

Julie said...

Good Luck with the court case, hope all goes well.

YAY your stitching again, Part 4 of the PAP SAL is only a little bit, you'll soon be caught up. It does look nice when stitched up.